More than 50 years of water service for our wholesale customers.
San Juan Wholesale diverts water from Folsom Lake, treats it to meet drinking water standards and deliver it to wholesale customers for their distribution. Our wholesale operations consist of negotiating customer water contracts, operating a surface water treatment plant and storage facilities and managing pump stations and transmission facilities.

San Juan Water District’s Wholesale division dates back to 1954 when voters approved our formation as a community services district. We provide water to San Juan Retail, Citrus Heights and Fair Oaks water districts, Orange Vale Water Company and the City of Folsom north of the American River. These customers are known as our wholesale customers.
See the number of connections in the retail and wholesale service areas- Citrus Heights Water District
- Fair Oaks Water District
- San Juan Water District’s retail division
- Orange Vale Water Company
- City of Folsom (north of the American River)
Collaborative Efforts to Meet Water Needs: today and tomorrow
We partner with our wholesale customers to ensure long-term, reliable water supplies at reasonable rates. Some of these efforts include:
- Water and energy efficiency programs such as the Water Efficient Landscape Garden and Baldwin Reservoir Solar Project.
- Capital improvement projects to meet state and federal regulations, protect water quality and ensure reliability of water supply infrastructure.
- Local and state advocacy work to protect water supplies and prevent rate increases for projects with no customer benefits.