FAQs for Engineers / Consultants

How can my firm be included on San Juan’s project RFP List?
Please submit your firm’s SOQ, information on specialty experience, and a list of recent projects using the contact information provided for the Engineering Services Department. We will review your information and add it to our engineer and consultant list. This list may be used periodically to notify consultants and engineers about design, materials testing, laboratory support, construction management, and other RFP’s that are released. Criteria and processes employed for evaluating and awarding design and consulting work is provided with each specific project RFP.
What projects does San Juan currently have out to RFP?
San Juan typically has several projects in the planning/design phase or in the bidding phase. Please refer to Project Design and Bidding opportunities for more information.
Where can I get a copy of San Juan’s Standard Details or Design Standards?
You may download them on the Standard Details page or obtain a hardcopy (for a small fee to cover printing and binding) at our main office located at 9935 Auburn-Folsom Road, Granite Bay, CA 95746.