Landscape Clearance Requirements Are Changing!
At the June 26, 2019 Board Meeting, new meter box clearance requirements were adopted. The requirements become effective July 26, 2019. The new clearance requirements for fire hydrants, air release valves, meter boxes and backflow devices are as follows:
-Seven feet of clearance is required above all equipment
-No trees, shrubs or other obstacles with expansive/invasive root systems shall be planted within two feet from the edge of the equipment.
-One foot of clearance around the equipment is acceptable if the material is decorative consisting of gravel, bark, mulch, grass, etc.
-If work needs to be performed, and the equipment is obstructed, the customer is required to remove or modify the obstruction and/or reimburse the District for any costs incurred to clear the equipment on the customer's behalf.
-Service may be discontinued if permanent, safe accessibility is not provided.