Kokila SJWD/PCWA Intertie (Retail)
This Project involves the installation of approximately 800 lineal feet of new 12-inch diameter Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP), a pressure reducing control valve station with isolation and air/vacuum release valves, a flowmeter, connections (tie-ins) on each end of the new pipeline to existing pipelines, and electrical and SCADA monitoring and communications improvements. Installation of the pipeline will be within an existing gravel surfaced site access road located within the existing Kokila Reservoir Site. This project will facilitate an emergency intertie between SJWD and PCWA to increase supply redundancy in the event of a normal supply disruption (such as an extreme drought condition where Folsom Lake is unusually low, or a supply disruption caused by a pipeline break or pump station failure). The Project will assist SJWD to mitigate drought vulnerabilities identified in the North American Basin Regional Drought Contingency Plan.