The emergency situation that prompted the notification you received has been resolved. You can now resume your normal water usage.
Please keep in mind, The Hinkle Liner and Replacement Project is still in progress and reduced demand is still needed. Click below for more information on the project and why this need is so vital to the project.
Hinkle Liner and Cover Replacement Project
For More Information:
Water Utility contact:
San Juan Water District:
Phone: (916) 791-0115
State Water Resources Control Board:
Division of Drinking Water:
Phone: (916) 445-5285
Local Environmental Health Jurisdiction:
Sacramento County:
Phone (916) 875-8440
Placer County:
Phone: (530) 745-2300
Please share or post this information with others who use this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses).