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Board Committee Charters

Engineering Committee

The purpose of the Engineering Committee is to discuss and make recommendations to the Board on matters related to the District’s Capital Improvement Program, other facilities related projects, water treatment and distribution operations, property related topics, and review and recommend approval of contracts associated with these topics.  The Board President may assign additional topics as needed. This committee generally meets as needed. 

Finance Committee

The purpose of the Finance Committee is to discuss and make recommendations to the Board on matters related to the District's finances such as rates, fiscal policies, debt issuance, District budget, and review and recommend approval of contracts associated with these topics.  The Board President may assign additional topics as needed.  The committee serves as the Audit Oversight Committee for purposes of the annual audit.  This committee generally meets monthly on the Tuesday the week prior to the Board meeting.

Legal Affairs Committee

The purpose of the Legal Affairs Committee is to discuss and make recommendations to the Board on matters related to legal issues such as Board policies required by law or desired to improve District governance, proposed legislation or other state or federal actions impacting the District, key contracts and other legal documents affecting the District’s substantive legal rights or governance, and litigation in which the District is involved.  The Board President may assign additional topics as needed. This committee generally meets only as needed.

Personnel Committee

The purpose of the Personnel Committee is to discuss and make recommendations to the Board on all matters related to the District's human resource management at the District including employee compensation and staffing levels.  The Board President may assign additional topics as needed. This committee generally meets as needed.

Public Information Committee

The purpose of the Public Information Committee is to discuss and make recommendations to the Board on all matters related to the District's communications planning and public outreach.  The Board President may assign additional topics as needed. This committee generally meets as needed.

Urban Water Management/Water Transfer Committee

The purpose of the Urban Water Management/Water Transfer Committee is to discuss and make recommendations to the Board on matters related to water supply issues such as water rights, contracts, water transfers, groundwater, water use efficiency activities, the Urban Water Management Plan, and water resources management.  The Board President may assign additional topics as needed. This committee generally meets as needed.